metafora - An Overview

metafora - An Overview

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Listed here’s a suggestion: A combined metaphor is just what exactly it feels like—a combination of two unrelated metaphors.

Georg Schöffel v svoji knjigi Denken in Metaphern vidi največjo pomanjkljivost Blackove interakcijske teorije prav v preohlapni določitvi sistema splošnih mest; ta namreč ne far more biti določen s splošnim vedenjem povprečnega človeka, kot je prepričan Black, saj je različen že na sinhroni ravni, nujno pa se spreminja tud skozi čas. Isti avtor opozori tudi na

“Tu corazón es una piedra”: Se establece similitud entre la dureza de la piedra y el corazón de la persona, haciendo referencia a la poca emocionalidad de la misma.

Kreativne metafore po Lakoffu in Johnsonu omogočajo nov način razmišljanja, ustvarjajo nove realitete, kar je posebej značilno za pesniške metafore, saj prav te najpogosteje kreirajo nove konceptualne metafore .

But when you’re not seeking to be amusing, combined metaphors can arrive off as awkward or even undermine The purpose you’re looking to make.

In the case of metaphors, the literal interpretation would typically be pretty silly. As an example, visualize what these metaphors would seem like for more info those who took them at experience value:

From the prior case in point, "the entire world" is in comparison with a phase, describing it Using the characteristics of "the stage"; "the whole world" may be the tenor, and "a phase" would be the car; "Adult men and women" would be the secondary tenor, and "players" would be the secondary car.

Алегорија: Проширена метафора каде приказна илустрира важен атрибут на субјектот.

There is certainly, he indicates, one thing divine in metaphor: the globe by itself is God's poem[fifty two] and metaphor is not simply a literary or rhetorical figure but an analytic Resource that could penetrate the mysteries of God and His generation.[fifty three]

Антитеза: Реторички контраст на идеи со помош на паралелни аранжмани на зборови, клаузули или реченици.

A fulfilledáfora é uma figura de linguagem muito utilizada em diversos meios. Vejamos abaixo alguns de seus usos mais recorrentes e exemplos.

Pričakovani napredek je urnik potovanja, potnik satisfaction do predvidenih ciljev ob predvidenih trenutkih.

“La música de los grillos”: Se establece que el sonido de los grillos es bello como la música.

La aposicional es otro de los tipos de achievedáforas. Este tipo de satisfiedáfora se caracteriza porque el término real y el irreal no están separados por ningún nexo, sino que suele haber una coma entre ellos y el lector debe imaginarse cuál es la palabra que los une.

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